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Anton Pecherkin
2 min readMay 13, 2021

Current book feedback system is utterly monopolized and corrupted by publishers.
Large book distributors (Amazon, Netflix) will never help as such rating prevents marketing manipulations.
Literature reviews are often commercial.

How choose new books, based on a real rating from readers? Not pay for beauty cover or marketing.
How pay only per interesting readings, and stop reading if it is too boring?

Authors want to receive a true rating of their books to improve their creativity and writing skills.

Readers want the true rating to choose the right books to spend time on reading and not pay for marketing and cover. Trusted feedback drives reader demand.

Both reader and author need trustful targeted feedback on the book to decide what to read and what to write.

Now, there is a solution — TrueReader!

The platform of rating-based e-books with payments per page for readers who want to choose books based on true readers ratings and pay per every interesting book.

There are 2 main metrics to guarantee the independent quality of a book: how many pages of the book are read by every person and the speed of reading. We can receive these metrics with a payment per page algorithm. And finally, build smart-contract build independent rating for each book.

Thanks to decentralization we can build the true rating and easy payments from the wallet using low-cost fast transactions in the Solana network.

Every book is NFT and we can pay per page and guarantee a true payment-based rating for each book.

Let’s place your books and papers on our platform for the True Rating during Solana Season Hackathon and build ecosystem together!

Please write to Telegram: @AAPecherkin
Discord: Anton#5693

